This is just filler, hopefully you didn't notice this

You might ask me, "Jon, how do you play video games all day? Doesn't it get boring?" Well, it does. That's why you just start playing a different game ! And when that game gets boring, you go back to playing the first game! It's an endless cycle of video games and going through boredom!


Your average gamer spending their time in quarantine effectively by communicating with strangers in heated debates about things that don't matter.

A soccer ball being juggled on a player's cleat.

Usually it takes years of pratice, or constant hours of training everyday to be able to control the ball for an indefinite amount of time. I'm not at that level yet, my maximum juggles is like 50 or something. Anyway, click on the link below to look at professionals freestyle juggle, it's pretty neat.

Go there
A goalkeeper performs a miracle on an injured player and gets punished for displaying his healing powers.

A goalkeeper gets annoyed at an injured opponent, and decides to show his powers by instantly healing him and returning him to his feet, making the injury never even take place. The referee sees this supernatural even take place, and gives him a yellow card (out of fear) to deter him from using his mysterious abilities again.